A video series that tells the story of how integrated data is being used to help New Zealanders.
The video series ‘Better Data, Better Lives’ demonstrates the value of data provided by Stats NZ’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). Researchers use data from the IDI to answer complex questions which can improve the lives of New Zealanders.
The interview-style videos are complemented by simple infographics that help explain some of the concepts being discussed.
The first video in the series tells the story of how researchers from the University of Otago are using integrated data from Stats NZ to study the long-term outcomes for premature babies. The data allows researchers to look at a whole range of life events, from before-school checks and social development, to health conditions and educational qualifications. The research will help parents and doctors make better informed decisions about how to care for these babies.
The second video shows how integrated data from Stats NZ is being used in Dunedin to support people working with NEET youth (not in employment, education or training), and help them to get back onto a path towards education or employment.
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